Daily Schedule

Our Daily Schedule

7:45 Student Pick Up in the Cafeteria

7:55 Tardy Bell Rings

7:45-8:15 Morning Work/Announcements

8:15-9:00 Large Group/Carpet Time

9:00-9:15 Self Selected Reading

9:15-10:00 Literacy Stations

10:00-10:40 Langauage Arts and Reading

10:40-11:10 Lunch

11:15-12:00 Writer's Workshop

12:00-1:00 Math/Stations (Math and Social)

1:00-2:00 Science an Social Studies

2:00-2:45 PE/Teacher Conference

2:45 Dismissal

Tuesday/Thursday Library 12:15-12:30

Wednesday Computer Lab 8:10-8:55